By: CEDO Intercultural.

On Saturday June 19, and to continue with the World Oceans Day celebrations, we reopened a public space at the Ejido Rodolfo Campodónico, in Caborca, Sonora. The space was restored, equipped, and prepared to function as a Community Center, Virtual Classroom and School of the Sea. In tune with the theme “The ocean: life and livelihood” instituted by the United Nations (UN) in 2021, this space will hold activities of common interest that promote the well-being of the community, sustainable fishing, education, and the conservation of this region’s essential ecosystems including Estero San Francisquito, Bahía San Jorge and Isla San Jorge, and Estero Almejas.

The members of the presidium, Antonio Jáquez-Pro, representing the Ejido’s President; Ana Luisa Figueroa, Regional Director of CONANP; José Arturo Arredondo Morales, General Manager of Minera Penmont; Martín Alfredo Gerardo Rochín, Deputy Manager of Minera Penmont; Yuliana León Flores, representative of Manos en Acción, Rubén Astorga representing the Cooperativa Pesquera, and Dr. Nélida Barajas Acosta, Executive Director of the Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans (CEDO) chaired the event in an atmosphere of joy and solidarity.

After the event’s opening by Dr. Nélida Barajas, Rubén Astorga gave a historical review of the Community Center, previously known as Sala de Cultura, delving into the projects that have been carried out with the active and enthusiastic participation of the community, the process of remodeling the Community Center, and the shared vision for its future and that of the community in general. Other collaborators and guests were linked virtually to the ceremony, sending inspiring messages and best wishes for this project to flourish.

After the opening protocol we had the traditional ribbon cutting ceremony to formally reopen the Community Center and School of the Sea of Bahía San Jorge. María Elena Caro Sapién, in charge of Community Relations at Minera Penmont, accompanied by CEDO’s Director, Nélida Barajas, led a tour outside of the facilities to present the large-format infographics that were installed and that present important topics such as biointensive gardens, solar energy, composting and solid waste, and showcase the first solar stove in the community. The tour ended inside the Virtual Classroom, which was equipped with furniture, new refrigerators, computer equipment, a smart television for video conferences, and internet connection, which will allow people from the ejido to be trained remotely in these times of pandemic. It is important to mention that the fisherman and community leader Manuel Muñoz Espinoza, ‘Noli’ will be the community administrator responsible for the Center in collaboration with CEDO.

The remodel of this Community Center is a clear example of a fruitful relationship between the community, civil society organizations, businesses, and the government. We are confident that this facility will provide many benefits to the residents of this community.

We appreciate the virtual company of our guests:

  • M.S. Cecilia Blasco, Executive Director of SmartFish Rescate de Valor A.C.
  • Dr. Pablo Álvarez, Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fishing Program, Pronatura Noroeste.
  • Dr. Ana Luisa Figueroa, Northwest Region and Upper Gulf of California.
  • Dr. Juan Pablo Gallo Reynoso, Researcher.
  • Dr. José Alfredo Arreola Lizárraga, CIBNOR.
  • Dr. Marco Lineé Unzueta, General Director of the IAES.
  • Mr. Omar Gerardo Zamora Herrejon, State Director of the Youth Building the Future Program in Sonora.
  • Areli Fernanda Barrón Cortez, Coordinator of the Youth Building the Future Federal Program.
  • Architect Migdalia Lemas Pesqueira, Urban Development and Ecology, Caborca City Council.
  • Biologist Luis Manuel Robles Briseño, Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, SAGARHPA.
  • José María Flores Fernández, President of the Bahía San Jorge Cooperative.
  • Mr. Ramón Suárez, Jaiba Product System State Committee in Sonora.
  • Guillermo Sandoval Lizárraga, Retired Professor from the community.
  • ECO Media.

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